Starting sophomore year of the Architectural Program at Samford, students have a Design Studio class each semester. Each studio builds off of principles and topics learned in the previous studio class. This section is select studio projects of my work.

“The mother art is Architecture. Without an Architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.” -Frank Lloyd Wright

Module 1- “Seeing, Analyzing, Diagramming, Modeling, and Communicating”

In our Architecture Design Studio 2, we started the semester with learning shading techniques versus cross-hatching techniques. Our first project was to take a building off Samford’s campus, and dissect it. We studied and analyzed the exterior and interior separately, then through modeling, pieced the different diagrams and sections together to see how the exterior and interior of the building work together to create the space that it’s been designated as. My partner and I chose Reid Chapel, which is at the eastern part of campus. Reid Chapel is the worship chapel on campus but also used as the Office of Spiritual Life and then classrooms and offices.

Module 2- Part 1 “Proun Study”

The first part of module 2 for our Studio 2 class was studying and applying architectural study to El Lissitzky’s Prouns. We studied the Prouns at different views including elevation and plan views. The final part of the project was building the Proun as a 3-d model using chipboard.

Module 2- Part 2 “Mies Remix”

The second part of module 2 was designing a ‘remix’ of the Barcelona Pavilion designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The assignment was to create a space similar to the Barcelona Pavilion with different wall lengths, reflecting pools and other elements.

